Translation Tools for Technical Language Translation
:: Translation Memory :: Content Management System Connectors :: Online Project Management Portal
Your translation memory technology and its application saved us thousands of dollars and countless hours of work. Our content is highly technical and we appreciate the extra steps you take to produce high-quality translations. You are always very proactive in helping us improve the end quality of our materials - Thank you.
Director of Corporate Communications Software and hardware development company Watertown, Massachusetts
A brain child of the IT industry, translation memory has been used by professional translators for two decades. It has been fine-tuned to achieve better speed of translation and increase the re-use and consistency of the translated content. As a result, companies have decreased the translation cost and turnaround time which in turn allows them to translate large volumes and present their translations to the market swiftly.
Contact us to learn more about how you can benefit from a translation memory - language translation tool.
You can also read a short article Is “fuzzy matching” still fuzzy to you? Or. How translation memory really works. |